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The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The audio includes professionally-recorded piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows. Contents: THE APPLE TREE: Feelings / BRIGADOON: Waitin' for My Dearie / CAMELOT: Before I Gaze at You Again / CHICAGO: A Little Bit of Good / CINDERELLA: In My Own Little Corner / COWGIRLS: From Chopin to Country / EVENING PRIMROSE: I Remember / HELLO, DOLLY!: * Ribbons Down My Back / JACQUES BREL IS ALIVE AND WELL AND LIVING IN PARIS: Sons Of / LEKYLL & HYDE: Once Upon a Dream, In His Eyes / THE KING AND I: Getting to Know You / KNICKERBOCKER HOLIDAY: It Never Was You / LADY IN THE DARK: One Life to Live / LES MISERABLES: In My Life / LOST IN THE STARS: Stay Well, Trouble Man / LOVE LIFE: Mr. Right / MARRY ME A LITTLE: The Girls of Summer / MARTIN GUERRE: How Many Tears? / ME AND MY GIRL: Once You Lose Your Heart / MY FAIR LADY: Wouldn't It Be Loverly, Just You Wait / NAUGHTY MARIETTA: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life, Italian Street Song / OH, KAY!: Someone to Watch Over Me / ON YOUR TOES: There's a Small Hotel / THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: Think of Me, Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again / PIPE DREAM: Sweet Thursday / PRINCESS IDA: Oh, Goddess Wise / SATURDAY NIGHT: So Many People / SONG AND DANCE: Unexpected Song / SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD: Christmas Lullaby / THE SOUND OF MUSIC: Something Good, I Have Confidence, My Favorite Things / TITANIC: Still / WHERE'S CHARLEY?: The Woman in His Room / WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND: Whistle Down the Wind The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.

The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology - Volume 3 Soprano Book/Online Audio

SKU: 00000493
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