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If you've been wanting to learn how to play guitar, here's your chance to make those goals become a reality! Published by Hal Leonard, the most trusted name in music education, Teach Yourself to Play Guitar has been carefully created specifically for the student with no music-reading background. With lesson examples presented in today's popular tab format, which also incorporates simple beat notation for accurate rhythm execution, Teach Yourself to Play Guitar offers the beginning guitarist not only a comprehensive introduction to essential guitar-playing fundamentals, but a quick, effective, uncomplicated and practical alternative to the multitude of traditional self-instructional method books. You'll learn: tuning; basic hand and finger positions; open chords, power chords, and barre chords; strumming and picking; single-note melodies and riffs; patterns and fills; and more. This comprehensive book includes lesson examples and song excerpts in a variety of musical styles - rock, folk, classical, country and more. Students will also learn to understand fretboard organization, chord patterns, and guitar anatomy by way of easy-to-interpret diagrams, photos and illustrations. Teach Yourself to Play Guitar provides complete, concise explanations while keeping text to a minimum and prepares the student to take their guitar journey in all the directions they're interested in!

Teach Yourself to Play Guitar

SKU: 00695786
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  • Hal Leonard
  • Softcover

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